Mental Autonomy (through Emotional Sovereignty)

The ability to control emotions, particularly the emotions of a group, can be exploited to no end. Certain individuals are capable of projecting their desired focus onto an audience, tuning them to a selected frequency, like a technician, or operator, of sorts. This is often called public relations, or crowd management. It usually applies to the subjection, or subversion, of the collective will, using various tricks, and techniques of control…

…It should be said, these techniques can be used for ‘good’, at least what I consider good…to raise awareness on important issues, distribute quality ideas into public forums…although a strictly benevolent approach to the problem of information management and ‘public relations’ is probably much more rare, at least at the present time…

Having, like most other people, been blown about for too long by the projected (real, or fictional) emotions of others, at various times in my life, mainly by people I’ve never even met, and never will (and now can’t even necessarily be sure they are all real human beings, and not just a bit of clever computer programming)…suffice it to say, I understand the importance of establishing some control over the situation…

I know that I possess this skill innately, but also that it must be cultivated: that skill being, namely, the ability to control my feelings and emotions, as far as I myself am personally concerned…as well as the emotions of those around me, were I so inclined…to influence the masses in a positive way…we all do this already all the time to some extent, whether we know it or not…

I can, perhaps, save myself from a cruel fate, by learning to control my emotions, and not being controlled by them; in the dark and lonely confines of my mind, where reverberate the various cultural frequencies du jour; where the real battle for my soul is being waged at all times, where the great deception unfolds itself…

In short, I must take back my mind, restore it to a place of reason and understanding.

Use the gifts I’ve been given, to repel the ambient forces of evil and obfuscation, that infest our world today, that seek to infect my mind; while also teaching others to help themselves in a similar fashion…

…Such is my will and desire…

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